I love autumn rummage/yard/garage sales! And I sure lucked up at one this morning! A friend, Amy from
Farmhouse Dreams, posted about it on FB, so my bestie and I decided to make a day of it...breakfast at Cracker Barrel and a little vintage and some Christmas shopping.
It's no secret that I adore vintage ornaments....and look at these cuties!!! The little bells are just precious...the gold ones have silver glitter with cute little flowers on top. I adore the little white one that has silver glitter around the rim. I fell in love with the little angel. Her sweet little dress is made of pipe cleaners. And all for only 50 cents each! Sweet!
I have a thing for stockings...and I couldn't pass up these burlap trimmed with lace ones! Especially when each was only $3!!!
The lace on this one is a little more....well, lacier than the others...just sewn with more gathers so it's more flouncy...I'm really not sure that's the right word. LOL
The lace on this one is a little more "tailored"...and a little more slimmer than the others.
And then this one is a "combo" of the other two....it is tailored with a more wider lace. I have plans for each one of these but I can't reveal that just yet...But all in good time...lol
I got some more great deals but I'm going to save those for another post...just...because...lol
So after the vintage rummage sale, we were off for some great breakfast at Cracker Barrel....YUM...
Then, it was off to High Cotton...a wonderful shop about 15 min. from our town. Actually, the friend that had the rummage sale also helps out at this shop. :) My bestie and I frequent this shop, however, this was the first time we had visited their new location. They initially were on the square in this small town, but they moved a month ago into this wonderful old house just down the street!
We parked across the street, and we walked down a bit so we could walk the full length of the old sidewalk...Sweet!
Look at this sweet bicycle!
It was totally gorgeous inside! I just wish I had gotten a pic of the porch and the staircase inside! The following are some shots of their Christmas room...
How amazing is this sleigh??!!
This shop has a lot of jewelry and adorable clothing. I basically just focused on the Christmas goodies, but I'll get more shots when I visit again!
So after a quick trip to Dollar Tree and Russell Stovers, we headed home...only to remember the holiday craft fair in our town...which we thought we should just check it out so as not to miss anything. LOL
It was a great day!!! The weather was great...except for some crazy wind at times...Breakfast was yummy...And the shopping was FUN! So, what did you do today?
Cottage Blessings,