Saturday, January 23, 2016

Arrival of the White Stuff


When I put away my Christmas decorations a few weeks ago, I decided to keep some little hints of winter up in the cottage.  I do love SNOW...and had hopes of a snow day or two.

So, at the mention of the white stuff in the forecast, I did my "snow dance" and "snow rituals" AND we got snow....but it messed up the weekend instead of a full snow day from school.  And it totally messed up my weekend plans of junking with my niece who is in town.  But, I do love I made the most of it...
We ran and romped and ate snow!

We watched from the window and sipped homemade peppermint mochas.

We snuggled up on the love seat and took a nap.
Ahhhhhhhh, yes!  It was a great day!

Linking to...
Pink Saturday

Cozy and Warm Blessings,


  1. Our border collie loves to play in the snow! How fun for our furbabies! I like to be cozy and warm. Love your memory jar and your snowman. Stay warm. So glad I found your new blog....I've been on a long blog break since starting a new job. Miss Bloomers

  2. Our border collie loves to play in the snow! How fun for our furbabies! I like to be cozy and warm. Love your memory jar and your snowman. Stay warm. So glad I found your new blog....I've been on a long blog break since starting a new job. Miss Bloomers

  3. Hi There, so glad to 'find' you... Thanks for the comment on my blog. I have signed up to follow your new blog.... I am not blogging nearly as much as I used to... It's easier to Facebook--so I do that more these days. But--I still love to blog off and on...

    Keep in touch.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods. Snow came fast and furious and in just a matter of a few days it was gone. It is warming up in Ky. now and not normal for us. There are flowers coming up and I am dreading the cold snap that is bound to come and get them. Love this blog, your photos are great.


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